Realizing the importance of diagnostic imaging in fighting breast cancer, Christina Applegate, the famous celebrity in the US, is going to launch a new charity in order to provide help to women, with higher risk for breast cancer, who have no access to preventive care. The charity aims to help women to have MRI scans to detect breast cancer early.
Health Imaging Hub was initiated by radiologists, health imaging technologists, and internet media experts to promote Health Imaging and IT Globally with an emphasis of regional coverage.
Thursday, 29 July 2010
New Reason For Poorer Mammography Results In Younger Women
According to a new study, the poorer breast cancer detection rate provided by mammography in women in their 40s is
caused by the technology itself and not the features of breast cancer in such women. The study was published online July 27 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
New Imaging Technique For Early Diagnosis Of Alzheimer’s Disease
In a recent study, researchers from Australia developed an advanced imaging and blood screening techniques that can be used in early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. The study was conducted by researchers from the Australian Imaging Biomarkers and Lifestyle Flagship Study of Ageing (AIBL). They highlighted their study at the International Conference on Alzheimer's disease in Hawaii recently.
CvergenX Acquires Global Rights Of InterveneXRT
CvergenX, Inc. and Moffitt Cancer Center announced that they have signed a licensing agreement, which includes
CvergenX having the exclusive global rights of InterveneXRT. The latter is a technology platform that provides individualization of radiotherapy. InterveneXRT was developed by researchers from Moffitt Cancer Center.
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
InSight Acquires Eight Diagnostic Imaging Centers
InSight Health Services Holdings Corp. a major company providing diagnostic imaging services, announced that it has
completed the acquisition of eight diagnostic imaging centers located in Phoenix, Arizona, El Paso, Texas, and Las Cruces, New Mexico areas. The acquired imaging centers were belonging to MedQuest, Inc. and Novant Health, Inc.
Nano Technology And MRI Used To Image Angiogenesis
Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels, plays a very critical role in the growth of tumors and cancer metastasis. Recently, a number of therapies were developed to reduce the growth of the vessels nourishing tumors. Thus, improve patient survival in certain types of cancer. The accurate detection of the growth of blood vessels using MRI is now providing more help to physicians while they treat certain types of cancers.
The Royal Marsden Hospital Implements CARESTREAM RIS
The Royal Marsden Hospital (RMH) NHS Foundation Trust announced that it has signed a new contract with Carestream
Health to implement its latest version of CARESTREAM RIS. The implementation will take place in two Royal Marsden’s sites in, Chelsea and Sutton, both located in London. According to the signed contract, the implementation will take place during the second half of 2010. RMH was the first hospital in the world to be built specially for cancer treatment and researches. Currently, The Royal Marsden Hospital and its partner, The Institute of Cancer Research, are representing the largest cancer center in Europe. The center provides services for more than 40,000 patients from the UK and other countries each year.
Childhood Cancer Survivals Have Higher Risk For Cardiac Function Abnormalities
According to a new study, patients who survive cancer in their childhood are facing higher risk of having cardiac
function abnormalities in long-term. The study was published in the July 26 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals. The researchers of the study noted that the survival rate of cancer in childhood has improved from only 20% during 1940s to reach 80% roughly in the current time.
What is Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA)?
Vendor Neutral Archive or VNA is one of the most frequently discussed terms among PACS vendors and users. However, there was no definite description of VNA in PACS community. So an important question is appearing now, what is the accurate definition of VNA?
A "true" Vendor Neutral Archive or VNA is an enterprise archive that is centralizing storage and managing diagnostic images throughout several different Picture Archiving and Communications Systems (PACS). Vendor Neutral Archives are covering the need of mobilizing patient data from individual silos, thus, the data can be exchanged in an easier way and the data can also be linked to other patient information in order to establish more complete medical record. A true VNA also allows access to the diagnostic images if the current PACS is not operational, allowing the access results in achieving higher levels of disaster recovery and business continuity in addition to more control over the long-term preservation of diagnostic images.
Read More About Vendor Neutral Archive
A "true" Vendor Neutral Archive or VNA is an enterprise archive that is centralizing storage and managing diagnostic images throughout several different Picture Archiving and Communications Systems (PACS). Vendor Neutral Archives are covering the need of mobilizing patient data from individual silos, thus, the data can be exchanged in an easier way and the data can also be linked to other patient information in order to establish more complete medical record. A true VNA also allows access to the diagnostic images if the current PACS is not operational, allowing the access results in achieving higher levels of disaster recovery and business continuity in addition to more control over the long-term preservation of diagnostic images.
Read More About Vendor Neutral Archive
Download VNA (Vendor Neutral Archive) White Paper: Please download the white paper and the checklist below.
Monday, 26 July 2010
Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA) - White Paper
This white paper proposes a definition of a Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA) that identifies different architecture levels and their specific functionality. The various components which make up the core of a healthcare image and information management system will be discussed. It also provides the key advantages of a VNA compared with a proprietary solution. A checklist which can be used when evaluating and/or requesting a RFI/RFP for a VNA is included as an attachment.
Source: Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA) - White Paper
Source: Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA) - White Paper
High Radiation Doses Can Improve Brain Cancer Survival
According to a recent study, using high radiation doses while targeting the stem cell niche in the brain can improve
survival rate for glioblastomas (a type of brain cancer) patients by almost the double. The study was published in the online edition of the journal BMC Cancer.
Performed MRI And CT Scans Vary Between Provinces In Canada
According to data from the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI), diagnostic imaging procedures, such as
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) are used in certain provinces in Canada more than the others. For instance, in 2009, MRI scans carried out in Alberta or New Brunswick were more than those conducted in Prince Edward Island (P.E.I.) or Newfoundland and Labrador by almost the double. The data reported that 54 MRI scans per 1,000 people in Alberta and 51 per 1,000 in New Brunswick against 23 per 1,000 in P.E.I. and 24 per 1,000 in Newfoundland and Labrador.
GE Healthcare Opens Its First Factory In Brazil
GE Healthcare, a global leading company providing diagnostic imaging and healthcare IT solution, announced that it has
opened its first factory in Brazil, also the first in South America, in order to provide the Brazilian population with more affordable healthcare technologies, in addition to establishing a exportation center in South America. The factory is located in the Brazilian city of Contagem. It involved planned investments of $50 million during a ten-year period.
Radiotherapy Increases Infant Mortalities For Women
According to a new study, women with cancer who had radiotherapy when they were children are having higher risk for
stillbirth or infant mortalities in later stages of their lives. Researchers mentioned that delivering radiotherapy to the pelvic area in childhood elevates the risk for losing babies by up to 12 times. The study was published in the online edition of The Lancet medical journal.
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Sussex Foundation Fund Raising campaign Gets Huge Support
The Sussex Health Centre Foundation has recently started a campaign to raise funds in order to acquire a digital mammography unit. The campaign got a huge support following the province's announcement of providing a fund of $168,000.
Boone Memorial Hospital Installs A New Digital Mammography Unit
Boone Memorial Hospital, Madison, WV, announced that it has installed a new digital mammography unit. The
hospital aims to fight breast cancer, the second cause of cancer-related mortalities between women. A ceremony was held at the hospital to welcome the new unit. It was attended by a number of breast cancer survivors, such as Janet Dent.
A New Cardiac Imaging Technique Designed In UK
A new technique for "slicing" 3D cardiac images into sections through the use of computer software has been designed for the first time by a cardiologist in Southampton. UK. The new technique is called multiplane review (MPR) 3D echocardiography. It provides its user with the ability to detect cardiac abnormalities more precisely than the conventional 2D or the standard 3D images.
Medtronic's Ensura MRI-Compatible Pacemaker Receives CE Mark
Medtronic, Inc., a major company providing cardiac pacemakers, announced that its Ensura MRI SureScan pacing system has received a CE (Conformité Européenne) mark. Ensura MRI is a pacemaker that can be used safely by patients who undergo MRI scans. Ensura MRI represents the second generation of MRI-compatible pacemakers; it is available in several European countries but still not available in the United States.
Lymphoseek Provides A New Option For Imaging Head And Neck Cancers
A new imaging agent for detecting head and neck cancers is currently under
development. The agent, Neoprobe’s Lymphoseek, will be the result of cooperation between researchers from two companies, Phylogeny, from Columbus, Ohio, and Neoprobe, a company based in Dublin, Ohio.
SNM Expects Persisting Medical Isotopes Shortage
There is an ongoing international shortage in medical isotopes. The shortage is resulted by number of factors, including the fact that is a number of nuclear reactors have stopped their operations for maintenance. One of such reactors was that of the National Research Universal (NRU), Chalk River reactor, in Canada.
Beekley Produces A Solution For better Taste Of Oral iodinated Contrasts
Oral iodinated compounds are used as a contrast agent for several diagnostic
imaging techniques. However, a large number of patients are complaining about the bitter taste of these compounds. The oral iodinated contrast gents are administered in the form of a pill that patient takes prior to the imaging procedure.
Non-Invasive Screening Test Reduces Invasive Examinations To Identify Bowel Disease, Study
A new study published in the British Medical Journal, involved a simple screening test which identifies patients who are most likely to have inflammatory bowel disease and reduces the need for expensive, invasive and time consuming endoscopies.
African American Women Have Higher Risk For An Aggressive Type Of Breast Cancer
According to a new study, African American women have higher risk for a more aggressive and harder-to- treat type of
breast cancer. The study was carried out by doctors from the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center. They were checking breast cancer risks among three groups of patients, African-American women, white women and African women. The study was published online in the July 13 issue of journal Cancer.
UK Markets First To Order New Aera And Skyra MRI Systems From Siemens
The first orders of the MAGNETOM® Aera 1.5 Tesla and MAGNETOM® Skyra 3 Tesla MRI systems,
launched into the UK market, as Siemens Healthcare was pleased to announce. The first hospitals to place orders include Wythenshawe Hospital, part of University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust (UHSM), Guys Hospital, part of Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, Kidderminster Hospital, part of Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust and Royal Brompton Hospital, part of Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust.
Newborns being screened for 16 diseases In Saudi Arabia
According to statistics that have been recently done by the Ministry of Health, the Kingdom has the highest
rate of disability-causing diseases at birth, as the ratio is one to 1,000, while in other countries, like the US, Germany and Australia, the ratio is 1 to 4,000, and in Japan 1 in 7,000. Therefore now in Saudi Arabia, the Saudi Program for Early Screening for the Newborn, managed by the Prince Salman Center for Disability Research and sponsored by the Ministry of Health, screens newborns for 16 different diseases and helps scientists and researchers in their research to remedy many hereditary diseases.
Franciscan Healthcare Provides Digital Mammography In Rural Areas
Franciscan Skemp Healthcare announced that is going to provide mobile digital mammography and bone density
testing services to its patients at Franciscan’s regional clinics. The La Crosse healthcare system has acquired a couple of mobile vans, one for digital mammography while the other will be used for bone density testing. The vans are going to start serving in rural clinics by the 4th of August.
Brain MRI Used To Guide Individuals In Choosing Their Careers
In a new study, researchers are evaluating the chance of using brain MRI scans to guide individuals while they are
choosing their careers. Although there are several tests that are used to suggest the better work choices for a person, such as General aptitude and specific mental ability tests, brain MRI scans can prove to be useful for the same task. The study was published in the journal BMC Research Notes.
A New Approach For Reducing Radiation Exposure During Cone Beam CT
According to a new study, using a new approach in processing X-ray data would reduce, by nearly 10%, the radiation
delivered to patients while undergoing cone beam CT scans. The study was carried out by researchers from the University of California in San Diego. The study will be highlighted at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) in Philadelphia.
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Digital Mammography Is Now Available In Guam
Digital technology for the early detection of breast cancer is now available in Guam. A certification was given from the
U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to Guam Radiology Consultants to start using the full-field digital mammography unit at its Tamuning facility. Guam Radiology Consultants also got another certification from the American College of Radiology (ACR). After having both certifications, the clinic is now ready to begin providing digital mammography service.
Radiotherapy More Useful Than Drugs For Cancer Patients
According to a new study, radiotherapy was found to be more effective in saving lives of cancer patients than other
treatments, including drugs. The study was published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Professor Lester Peters, the Peter McCallum Cancer Centre in Melbourne, and the lead author of the study, said that giving patients additional drug treatments does not always seem to be the best approach.
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
A 95 Percent Decrease In CT Radiation Dose With Image-Processing Algorithm
Due to a previous incident taking place in Los Angeles, when Perfusion CT scanning, an emerging
imaging technology, got a bad reputation last year when a machine set to incorrect radiation levels overdosed hundreds of people, researchers at the Mayo Clinic, excited by the technology's promise for diagnosing stroke, cancer, and possibly heart disease, have developed a way to reduce the amount of radiation involved in the procedure -- which, when done properly, involves very little risk.
Painters Have High Risk For Bladder Cancer
According to a new study, professional painters are having higher risk for developing bladder cancer, there is a direct proportion between the years they spend working and the increased risk for developing the disease. The study was published online July 20 in Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
PET/CT scan At Vanderbilt University To Locate Cancerous Tumors
A specialized PET/CT scan was preformed for the first time by the Vanderbilt University Medical Center and affiliated VA Tennessee Valley Healthcare System to successfully detect the presence of tumors. The improved imaging offers surgeons easier detection and removal of cancerous tumors, according to Ronald Walker, M.D., professor of Radiology and Radiological Sciences."The current method of imaging tumors can best be described as trying to see the sun through the clouds," Walker said. "But this new radiotracer removes all of the clouds." The 68Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT scan offers higher resolution and sensitivity locating tumors.
New Mammography Screening Facts Highlighted By CDC
According to a recent report, prepared by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1/5 of women in the
U.S, aging 50-74 years, skipped undergoing breast cancer mammography screening. This report said so despite the data coming from according to the centers’ Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report that the percent of women, in this age group, who had breast cancer mammography screening has increased significantly starting from mid 1990s. The percent stayed nearly over 80% starting from 2000.
AMA Disagrees With Plans Of Reducing Mammography Screening Funds In S. Australia
The Australian Medical Association (AMA) announced that it is disagreeing with the South Australian Government
plans that aim to limit digital breast screening. A recent budget paper was discussing funding options for breast cancer mammography screening. The paper mentioned that the South Australian Government would stop providing funds for radiographers and, eventually, stops Saturday breast cancer screening carried out at facilities at Wayville and Elizabeth in Adelaide.
Insight Installs A New PACS Imaging Solution From Intelerad
Insight Medical Imaging, a group practice including 20 radiologists located in Alberta, announced that it has installed a
new PACS imaging system at multiple new work stations. Insight officials mentioned that their resident radiologists review more than 300, 000 files annually. Insight Medical Imaging provides diagnostic imaging services including X-ray, ultrasound, nuclear medicine, MRI, fluoroscopy, CT, and mammography at its 13 clinics throughout Edmonton and the nearby area.
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
ASIR Offers New Options For Colonography
According to a new study, using adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction (ASIR), a new low dose CT procedure, offers
assistance to radiologists in decreasing the currently reduced radiation dose delivered while conducting CT colonography (CTC) by about additional 50%. The study was published in the July issue of the American Journal of Roentgenology.
Siemens Installed The Artis Zee MP And Luminos DRF Installed New Imaging Systems
An interventional imaging system, combined fluoroscopy and radiography unit from Siemens
Healthcare have been recently installed at Birmingham Children's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, one of the leading pediatric teaching centers in the country, in order to strengthen its imaging services for young patients.
Saddleback Memorial Improves Its Capabilities With Diagnostic Imaging Services
Saddleback Memorial Medical Center, Laguna Hills, announced that it has acquired an outpatient diagnostic imaging service in San Clemente, the service will be provided by Imaging Healthcare Specialists, based in San Diego. The medical imaging provider, MemorialCare Imaging Center, offers several types of diagnostic imaging procedures such as radiology, ultrasound, digital mammography, CT and MRI.
Siemens Offers SoftView Image Improving Solution With Its DR Systems
Siemens Healthcare, a major company providing diagnostic imaging systems, announced that it has improved its digital
radiography (DR) systems by using a new technology that generates images of the soft tissues of the chest. The new technology is SoftView® Enhanced Chest Imaging technology from Riverain Medical, a company developing solutions for early detection of diseases. It is automatically improving the visibility of soft tissues of lung, which aids doctors in detecting pulmonary nodules with more confidence. Moreover, since SoftView is using chest X-ray to provide the soft tissue images, there is no need for more radiation doses to visualize the tissues in lung.
Nuada Medical Installs A New 3 Tesla MRI
MAGNETOM® Verio 3 Tesla MRI system has been installed at Nuada Medical, an independent imaging
services provider based in London, in order to offer highly detailed diagnostic imaging to its patients. The Verio is a high performance MRI combining a range of innovative features, including a 70cm Open Bore design and 32 channel Tim™ (Total imaging matrix) technology. It also provides the considerable benefits of 3T field strength to the clinical environment in a patient friendly package. Routine neurology, oncology and musculoskeletal imaging needs are catered for by the system. Other complex MR methods such as diffusion, perfusion and spectroscopy are also being employed. In addition to that the system's Tim technology provides an unprecedented level of flexibility, accuracy and speed.
A New Report Highlights 20 Potential Cancer Causes
The American Cancer Society, along with 3 federal agencies has recently announced a number of cancer causes. They included 19 chemical substances in addition to shift work. These factors are considered to be potential cancer causes and they require more investigations. A report was presented containing statements from international experts who noted that the 20 potential cancer causes are having strong evidence that they could be dangerous and they require more studies. The report included names of well-known substances such as chloroform, formaldehyde and polychlorinated biphenyls or PCBs, in addition to other newer compounds like indium phosphide, used in manufacturing of flat-screen televisions.
Monday, 19 July 2010
Visage Imaging Releases Its New 5.3 Amira
Visage Imaging, Inc., a branch of Pro Medicus Ltd., announced that it has released its new 5.3 version of Amira, a
platform for visualizing, analyzing, and presenting complex 3D and 4D biomedical data. Amira has new Neuro option that includes several comprehensive tools for neuroscience research, such as MR diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), in addition to CT and MR brain perfusion imaging. The new version of Amira offers efficient calculation of perfusion results along with analysis and display of multi-channel functional image data such as gradients, tensors, and fiber tracking.
IVF Children Have Higher Risk for Cancer, Study
According to a recent study, children conceived by in vitro fertilization (IVF) are subjected to higher risks of having cancer
more than their natural conceived counterparts. The results were highlighted in the journal Pediatrics.
A Journey For Brain Cancer Has Been Completed
Anne Feeley has recently completed a journey throughout the United States in order to raise awareness and funds for
brain cancer research. Feeley is a brain cancer survivor and a 56 years old mother. She covered a distance of 3,708 miles while cycling; her last 6.5 miles were cycled from Hains Point, VA to the finishing line at the Capital Reflecting Pool in Washington, DC.
Different Methods Recently Tested For Measuring Breast Density
Three different methods for measuring breast density accurately - through the relative portion of tissue to
fat in a woman's breasts and a strong indicator of breast cancer risk- have been tested this week according to two new studies. The two studies were conducted by a group of medical physicists at the University of California, Irvine, led by Sabee Molloi, and both will be presented today and tomorrow at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) in Philadelphia, PA.
Fund Awarded To Four Breast Cancer Researchers
Susan G. Komen for the Cure® has recently granted a total fund of $1.2 million to four breast cancer researchers
from Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute and Wayne State University (WSU) in Detroit, Michigan. The fund is granted in order to help researchers to go on with their studies for new ways to diagnose, prevent and control breast cancer. The $1.2 million is a part of a larger $59 million grants the Susan G. Komen for the Cure® has awarded this year to support breast cancer researches.
Advanced RapidArc Radiotherapy Treatments Is Now Available for Cancer Patients In Scotland
Four head & neck cancer patients have been treated to date at the Beatson West of Scotland Cancer
Centre in Glasgow by the fast and efficient RapidArc® technology from Varian Medical Systems, in which one of the UK's largest radiotherapy departments has begun treatments using it."This is a significant advance for one of the busiest cancer centers in the country and provides an opportunity to offer advanced IMRT treatments to more patients," says David Dodds, clinical lead for radiotherapy. "In the past the provision for IMRT has been limited as this sophisticated technique typically takes longer to deliver. RapidArc will allow us to treat much more quickly and as a result more patients will be able to benefit from the technology."
Lantheus To Provide DEFINITY In India
Lantheus Medical Imaging, Inc., a leading company offering diagnostic imaging solutions, announced that it has
provided its DEFINITY® Vial, an ultrasound contrast imaging agent, in the market in India. Lantheus has closed a deal with J.B. Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. (JBCPL), a major company located in Mumbai,to distribute and market DEFINITY in India. DEFINITY, a Perflutren Lipid Microsphere ultrasound contrast agent, is already available in markets of Australia, New Zealand in addition to North America and several countries in the Middle East. In India, DEFINITY® is indicated for patients with suboptimal echocardiograms, as it opacifys the left ventricle in addition to enhancing the delineation of the left ventricular endocardial border, it can also be sued in patients for contrast-enhanced diagnostic ultrasound imaging for better reviewing of focal lesions of the kidney and liver.
FIDI Acquires New PACS And EMR Systems From PACSGEAR
Fundação Instituto de Pesquisa e Estudo de Diagnóstico por Imagem (FIDI) located in Sao Paolo, Brazil, announced that
it has recently acquired a new PACS and Electronic Medical Record (EMR) solution, in order to improve the quality of the provided healthcare services in the facility.
Sunday, 18 July 2010
New Radiation Mechanisms Helps In Cancer Treatment
According to a recent study, a new radiation mechanism would target cancer more accurately, and it may provide other
services to the environment such as cleaning oil spills from seas, in addition to detecting explosive materials hidden between clothes. The study was published in the Physical Review Letters, a highly prestigious physics journal.
Spanish Study Shows The Probability Of Surviving Types Of Cancer
A new study, published recently in the journal Annals of Oncology, involved eight Spanish regions currently holding a population record of cancer (Basque Country, Navarra, Girona, Tarragona, Castellón, Albacete, Murcia and Granada). The investigation reviewed all the cases of cancer diagnosed between 1995 and 1999 (57,622), their monitoring until December 2004, and their prognosis.
Teleradiology Providers Launches Its New Website
Teleradiology Providers announced that it has recently launched a new updated website in July. The website provides a
wide range of services, including Rad Learning program, 3D image reconstruction, in addition to several other teleradiology services. The site was developed according to advanced concept of Web 2.0.
Utilization Management Programs To Reduce Unnecessary Radiation From Medical Imaging By MedSolutions
According to MedSolutions, a leading provider of medical management services, a recent New England
Journal of Medicine editorial highlighted Utilization management programs which use evidence-based guidelines to ensure appropriate use of diagnostic imaging tests could help prevent dangerous radiation overdoses.
New Low-dose Cardiac CT technique At Porter Adventist Hospital
Despite the significant importance of computed tomography (CT) scans, there are
concerns regarding the delivery of high doses of radiation while performing CT scans. Currently, radiologists are looking for new solutions to improve the safety profile of CT. For instance, physicians and technicians at Porter Adventist Hospital have recently designed a new low-dose cardiac CT technique. They also managed to create methods to reduce radiation exposure in other CT scans.
CLI Provides New Options For Nuclear Imaging
According to a new study, a new innovative optical imaging technique, Cerenkov luminescence imaging (CLI), would help in quicker and more economic designing of radiopharmaceuticals, used for diagnosis and treatment of several diseases such as cancer and other disorders. The study was published in the July issue of The Journal of Nuclear Medicine (JNM).
Unisyn Produces Its New Ultrasound Probe Conversion Solution
Unisyn Medical Technologies, Inc, Golden, Colorado, announced that it has
provided its new Ultrasound Probe Conversion. The new solution is a cost-effective ultrasound probe replacement program developed to substitute for probe repairs. Unisyn has a wide reputation for providing repairing services to the diagnostic ultrasound transducers. The company mentioned that its Conversion service will offer its customers a low fixed-pricing, highly qualified replacement probes, in addition to a 6-month warranty.
Chalk River Laboratory To Restart Producing Medical Isotopes
The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) announced that it has informed Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) that it has the authority to restart operating the Chalk River Laboratory. The lab is an international provider of medical isotopes; it is going to aid in covering the global shortage in isotopes supplies.
Including Images In Radiology Report Improves Clinical Decision Making
According to a recent study, including diagnostic imaging scans with radiology reports significantly improve efficiency and communication between radiologists and referring doctors, in addition to enhancing patient care. The study was carried out by researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, and was published in the March 2010 issue of the Journal of the American College of Radiology.
Thursday, 15 July 2010
eDataAudit Is Qualifed By ABR
D3 Radiation Services announced that its eDataAudit was qualified by the American Board of Radiology (ABR).
eDataAudit is a new service developed to reduce errors taking place while conducting radiotherapy. The service works as a Practice Quality Improvement (PQI) for the purpose of Maintenance of Certification (MOC).
Dr. Bear Has Joined West Valley Hospital As A Diagnostic Radiologist
West Valley Hospital, Dallas, SE, has recently been joined by a diagnostic radiologist, Dr. Gregory R. Bear, in order to
improve diagnostic imaging services provided by the hospital.
iSoft Signs A New Deal With ZNB Group In The Netherlands
iSoft, a major healthcare IT solutions provider from Australia, announced that it has signed a contract with Zorggroep
Noorderbreedte (ZNB), a major healthcare group in the Netherlands, in order to improve hospital information system (HIS) and electronic patient record at the Medisch Centrum Leeuwarden (MCL), one of ZNB’s largest teaching hospitals in the country. The contract is worth €3.45 million, it will take place for three years.
Canadian Health Ministry Reviews CT Scans At Cypress Health Region
Don McMorris, the Canadian Health Minister, said that the review of 7,500 CT scans in the Cypress Health Region
shows that the system’s check up is currently carried out. He said "This shows that when there are some concerns with in particular a radiologist, that further work will be done to ensure that patient care is as positive and as high quality as possible,"
SAVI Improves Radiotherapy Effects
According to a recent study, using Strut-Adjusted Volume Implant (SAVI) while conducting radiotherapy reduce cancer
growth and limit the complications that accompany other types of brachytherapy. SAVI focuses radiation doses on the target cancerous tissue and thus it minimize radiation exposure to the surrounding health tissues. The study was published in the International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology and Physics.
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
iSoft Welcomes The Governmental Healthcare IT Plans In UK
iSoft, a major Australian company providing healthcare IT solutions, mentioned that it is welcoming and supporting the new
measures discussed in white paper, 'Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS', which was prepared by the government in UK. iSoft said that it is agreeing with the governmental vision that aims to provide patients with increased choices and control regarding their healthcare. iSoft added that it is particularly supporting the plans aiming to allow patients to access the required information for them before making decisions about their health.
Carestream Signs A New Deal With Apelem
Carestream Healthcare, a major company providing healthcare IT solutions, announced that it has signed a new
distribution agreement with Apelem, a leading imagery radiology systems developer in France and a subsidiary of DMS, to distribute its techremote controlled radiographic tables. According to the agreement, Carestream is going to sell two platinum tables designed by Apelem exclusively to customers in France and Belgium.
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