Monday, 7 June 2010

Most Common Issues as Reported at SIIM 2010

Skip Kennedy, Kaiser Permanente talked about the top PACS problems. An important issue is what to do if the system goes down. One of the things people focus on is to get a better reliable system, in other words, how to get more "9’s in your uptime (99,999%?). However, each "9" relates to a substantial amount of investment and money. It might be better and more cost effective to come up with alternate workflows, a good test system, work- around, because a system will go down one time or another....Read More

SIIM 2010, Products Highlights

Realizing the significant importance of SIIM 2010 annual meeting, a wide range of companies competed to showcase their products in the event. The SIIM 2010 was carried out under a key topic, which was "Value innovation through imaging informatics," The integrated learning sessions; represented a genuine chance for interaction between attendees and vendors. Caroline Wilson, a SIIM spokeswoman, said that the sessions "extend the opportunity for personal interaction, exchange and networking among attendees and exhibitors, thus creating a mutual benefit on the understanding of the application of imaging informatics to healthcare delivery,"...Read More

A Special Report from SIIM 2010

At SIIM 2010, Herman Oosterwijk discussed issues that deal specifically with PACS connectivity. He outlined the following  problems:
  • Network Issues: A well defined and managed network infrastructure is essential. Proper IP addressing and port number assignment has to be done. Duplicate IP addresses can create issues and are not always easy to troubleshoot. In case this is suspected, a “netscan” utility will show all IP addresses and potential duplicates. Note that DICOM devices rely on fixed IP addresses, as almost none of the PACS vendors make use of the dynamic configuration capabilities defined by the DICOM standard. Dynamic IP addressing is fine as long as the router does not re-assign them to a different address, e.g. when being re-booted or replaced. Note also that DICOM has an “official” assigned port number, i.e. port 11112, which is more reliable than the often used “well-known” port 104....Read More