Sunday, 9 January 2011

A New Development In MRI Provides Faster Brain Scans

Digital radiography newsA breakthrough in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been presented by an international team of neuroscientists and physicists; the new advance permits brain scans to be more than 7 times faster than currently possible.
According to the study, published in the journal PloS ONE, Berkeley, physicist and colleagues from the University of Minnesota and Oxford University in the United Kingdom described two developments that provide full three-dimensional brain scans instead of the typical 2 to 3 seconds in less than half a second. 
To read the rest of the article please visit:
A New Development In MRI Provides Faster Brain Scans

Philips Acquires MedSage Technologies

Royal Philips Electronics, a major company providing medical imaging systems and healthcare IT solutions, announced that it has completely acquired all the assets of MedSage Technologies LLC, a major company providing patient interaction and management solutions.

Following the acquisition, Philips will be able to provide a web-based solution that allows home healthcare providers to control ongoing compliance and replenishment services offered to patients undergoing treatment for several conditions obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and diabetes. 

Steve Rusckowski, CEO of Philips Healthcare, said "We believe the need to manage chronic diseases by an aging population, coupled with health economics, will continue to drive a greater need for healthcare delivery at home," he added "This acquisition is fully aligned to our strategy of providing home care providers with new opportunities to enhance their service offerings with an effective and cost-efficient application."

To read the rest of this news, please visit:

Philips Acquires MedSage Technologies

New Service Offered From St. Joseph’s Mobile Mammography Unit

On January 31, 2011 from 9 a.m. till 3 p.m. women will be able to receive a mammography screening at the Safeway store at 10635 Folsom Blvd., Rancho Cordova. St. Joseph’s Medical Center now offers mammograms through an innovative program which provides mammography services to the women who can't have access to the service, due to financial obstacles or not having their medical insurance covering the procedure.

The mammograms will cost only $80.00. But women who participate in certain medical programs will receive this service for free. Any woman can have an appointment with a physician in order to have the screenings.

For more info. please visit:

New Service Offered From St. Joseph’s Mobile Mammography Unit