Health Imaging Hub was initiated by radiologists, health imaging technologists, and internet media experts to promote Health Imaging and IT Globally with an emphasis of regional coverage.
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Radiotherapy Systems Vendors To Deploy Radiation Safeguards
A number of radiotherapy systems vendors announced that they are going to deploy safeguards into their systems to ensure further protection for patents against accidental
radiation over doses. Among the intended safeguards, quality assurance treatment plans, which must be approved by a doctor or medical physicist before being programmed on the radiotherapy machine or it will not work. Moreover, radiotherapy machines that use focused beam radiation will stop working unless important accessories to position a patient are adjusted in their place. Radiotherapy machines will also provide technicians with images for the proper position the patient should take to confirm that he receives the right amount of radiation. The safeguards will be deployed voluntary by radiotherapy systems vendors during the coming two years.

Sodium MRI images To Detect Osteoarthritis
According to a recent study, MRI can be used for diagnosing osteoarthritis when it is in its early stages. Researchers from New York University designed a creative method after
reviewing the pathogenesis of the disease. The method depends on checking the concentration of sodium ions in cartilage, and the study is highlighted in the Journal of Magnetic Resonance. It was found that the levels of sodium ions, widely distributed in the body, are indicating the location of glycosaminogycans (GAGs) in cartilaginous tissues. GAGs are compounds that are used for construction of cartilage in addition to several other procedures inside the body.

Highlands Medical Center Installs A New Aquilion 32 CT System
Highlands Medical Center announced that it has installed a new Aquilion 32 CT system from Toshiba. The new CT system will significantly improve medical imaging services
provided by the Center. Derrell Massey, Board chairman, Highlands Medical Center, said “The Jackson County Healthcare Authority Board of Directors approved a half-million dollar project last month to upgrade Highlands Imaging Center’s CT scanner. Highlands previously had a 16 slice CT scanner that was very advanced when it was purchased seven years ago.” CT scanners use X-ray beams and computer software solutions to generate multiple images of internal organs of the body.

MMP Provides Practice Management Services For Radiological Centers
Reno Radiological Associates has entered an agreement with MMP, Medical Management Professionals, to
manage its 63-year-old practice. MMP has a reputation of being professional in the business of radiology. MMP is a national firm that provides billing and practice management services to radiologists and imaging centers allover the country.

ONC Has Approved Maine's HIE Plan
Maine has received approval from the federal government for the full use of its grant of nearly $6.6 million to deploy and regulate health information technology allover the state, as Gov. John E. Baldacci announced. Maine is the sixth state to obtain the approval for its implementation plan by the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC), as officials noted. Currently, Maryland, New Mexico and Utah have had their plans approved. Shaun Alfreds, chief operating officer of HealthInfoNet, said "the state's designated health information exchange, the approximately $4.4 million in grants will serve to help deploy the exchange statewide and bring additional healthcare providers to connect to the exchange." There are currently six organizations connected to HealthInfoNet: Eastern Maine Health Systems in Brewer, Central Maine Healthcare in Lewiston, MaineGeneral Medical Centers, in Augusta and Waterville, Martin's Point Health Care in Portland and Bangor, Franklin Memorial Hospital in Farmington and MaineHealth, in Portland.
NovaRad Installs RIS And PACS In Manhattan's Park Avenue Radiologists
Manhattans Park Avenue Radiologists is the most recent imaging center to change its facility into state-of-the-art
digital center, allowing interpreting and referring physicians to have instant access to images. Currently, the center is performing and reading about 300 procedures each day. By using NovaRIS and NovaPACS systems from NovaRad, image access and referring physician appointment requests can be made by just a single click through the Center's secure physician site.

Viatronix Launches New Version Of V3D-Colon Software With The CAD Option
Viatronix Incorporated, a Stony Brook, New York, based company, has launched a new version of its V3D-Colon
software with the option to have the industry’s first FDA 510(k) approved colon CAD, VeraLook by iCAD. Zaffar Hayat, CEO & President of Viatronix Incorporated., said “We believe colon CAD when integrated with our latest V3D-Colon module provides the reading physician a distinct advantage along with an additional level of confidence,” he added “The seamless integration of third-party CAD products into our user friendly interface results in an uninterrupted workflow for the user.” The optional VeraLook Colon CAD version provides a list of CAD marks which are displayed in a numbered list along with bold colored markers on both 2D and 3D images while navigating through the Viatronix V3D-Colon interface. V3D-Colon with the CAD option has been launched outside the US since early 2009 and now with FDA approval colon CAD is available for sale in the United States.

Clinician iPhone Application Launched By PerfectServe
PerfectServe, based in Knoxville, Tenn., a physician-based, workflow-driven solution for clinical communications,
has released its new application, PerfectServe Clinician, an iPhone application that allows doctors to contact colleagues, change their call schedules and keep the privacy of the caller ID on patient calls.

Study Recommends Reduction In Dose For Breast PEM With Preservation Of Image Quality
In a new study presented at the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) 52nd Annual Meeting, researchers at the University of Washington reported that 18FDG dose for Positron Emission Mammography (PEM) could be reduced by as much as 70% without affecting image quality. PEM scanners are high-resolution breast PET systems that show the site as well as the metabolic phase of a lesion. The metabolic view enables doctors to take the optimal decision for patient care by providing an unequalled ability to discriminate between benign and malignant lesions, what is called "specificity".
GHX Nexus To Be Implemented In German Hospitals
GHX Nexus, a UK-developed content management system for hospital supplies organization Global Health Exchange, is going to be introduced in 70 P.E.G. Plus member hospitals in Germany. The system provides catalogue and price management in the healthcare industry. GHX Nexus enables all members of the supply chain to view changes to product, price and contract data at any time.
California Senate Recommends Cancer Screening For Women At Lower Age
California legislators are going to perform cancer screenings for low-income and uninsured women in their 40s according to a new bill, AB1640, which was approved by consensus from the state Senate.
Tom Tec introduces 4D MV-Assessment Software, the New 3D Solution for Mitral Valve Management
Tom Tec Imaging Systems GmbH, a leading provider of software solutions for medical imaging and information management, has announced the introduction of its new 4D MV-Assessment© 2.0 software. Tom Tec is known to be the leading innovator of cardiac imaging. The new software provides a new combination between the 2D echocardiography strength, and the 3D advantages, it also supports interdisciplinary communication between cardiac Surgeons and cardiologists. The 4D MV-Assessment software helps increasing diagnostic confidence, it is also considered as a communication tool for relating surgeons findings with no need to leave the room for interpretation.
CliniHub, Hand-Held Detector For Wide Range Of Diseases
Primary healthcare doctors are now able to recognize a wide range of diseases, from breast cancer to MRSA, using
an inexpensive hand-held device, CliniHub, developed by Cambridge Consultants, UK-based R&D company. The CliniHub, currently is being developed in partnership with XenBio Fluidics of San Diego, California, depends mainly on a cheap detector that senses a telltale fluorescent glow from a wide range of disease markers that the developers say will be the subject of patent applications.

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