Monday, 20 December 2010

Cone Beam CT To Aid Mammography, Study.

At the Radiological community of North America Annual Scientific Assembly in Chicago, Avice O'Connell, M.D, URMC radiologist, discussed the studies concerning the Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) scanner in order to simplify it.
The CBCT offers high-quality pictures, besides, it is very important as it is easier on females because it permits breast scans in a significant way regardless of the need for pulling, compressing and flattening the breast tissue. O’ Connell is interested about its progress.
Moreover, a primary research noted that the breast coverage and radiation dose were in a comparison with mammography. However, the researchers didn’t imagine that the CBCT couldn’t replace mammography like a frontline screening tool. Besides, a lot of studies were necessary in order to illustrate its best usage in the clinic.

To read the rest of this news, please visit:

Cone Beam CT To Aid Mammography, Study.

DICOM Index Tracker Designed At Mayo Clinic To Track Radiation Doses.

Mayo Clinic, in Rochester, Minnesota, announced recently that is about to establish a new imaging exam tracking system, the DICOM Index Tracker (DIT). This system will allow a comprehensive view of the radiation doses delivered to patients over time. DTI is among the first of its type, as it replaces manual tracking system with a new computerized one, reducing the time needed for collecting radiation dose delivery information at various medical facilities.

The DICOM Index Tracker was created by Steve G. Langer, Ph.D. at Mayo Rochester; it is currently under further development at Mayo Clinic in Arizona in collaboration with Arizona State University. DIT is able to track all the information based on the imaging procedures applied on a patient, such as radiation dose, scanner utilization, and several other types of information. All this information are gathered and prepared for access by authorized personnel later on.
In order to read the rest of the article please visit:
DICOM Index Tracker Designed At Mayo Clinic To Track Radiation Doses.

Online Courses For Nurses By GE Healthcare

GE Healthcare has lately released a new precious library; open for subscription, of online courses and materials for nurses.The courses are directed mainly to general practice registered nurses and also to nurses specialized in other fields involving, telemetry, obstetrics beside emergency and critical care.
To read the rest of the article please visit:
Online Courses For Nurses By GE Healthcare