Cegedim, a leading company providing healthcare IT solutions, announced that it has purchased
Pulse Systems, Inc., a major company offering healthcare software and solutions in the United States. Pulse System is based in Wichita, Kan. Following the purchase, Cegedim will gain access to the U.S. market of electronic health records
(EHR) and practice management (PM).
Alain Missoffe, chairman of Cegedim Healthcare Software, commented "Pulse provides Cegedim an optimal entry and platform into the rapidly growing U.S. healthcare computerization market. We expect to capitalize on their superior healthcare software, vast market knowledge, excellent customer service and technological prowess to deliver EHR and PM solutions to healthcare professionals with the best possible chances of success." Moreover, the purchase will enhance the presence of Cegedim and its solutions in North America. The European Cegedim Healthcare Software division will extended in order to use Pulse solutions for further expansion in the US market.