Health Imaging Hub was initiated by radiologists, health imaging technologists, and internet media experts to promote Health Imaging and IT Globally with an emphasis of regional coverage.
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Sectra Awarded A Contract For MicroDose Mammography System In Victoria
Sectra, a Swedish company providing medical imaging systems, announced that it was awarded a contract to provide four MicroDose Mammography units to be used in Victoria,
Australia. The MicroDose units are going to enhance the quality of the generated mammography images while reducing the delivered radiation doses. BreastScreen Victoria offers free mammography services for women aging between 50-69 years. The mammography screening service is conducted under the BreastScreen Australia program. The new MicroDose units will be used in Victoria to carry out the offered mammography screenings, the units are to be implemented by September 2010.

A Whitepaper discusses the role of Understanding of Hospital’s data in Effective Disaster Recovery
Ashtead, UK and Woburn, MA, USA – August 25, 2010 – BridgeHead Software today released a whitepaper on Healthcare Disaster Recovery that offers an integrated
strategy to address the uniquely complex data and storage management issues healthcare providers must consider as they develop hospital-wide backup and recovery policies. Available for download, the whitepaper details why disaster recovery (DR) is different in healthcare and, therefore, requires a different treatment when compared to disaster recovery in other industries.

Radiographers To Conduct The First National Strike In New Zealand Next September
Radiographers at district health boards throughout New Zealand are going to carry out a national strike, for the first time, on September the 7th. Deborah Powell, the national
secretary of the union of the radiographers, Apex, said that radiographers expressed their anger following the suspension of four of their colleges by Counties Manukau DHB.

Imagyne & Exago Ultrasound Systems To Be Distributed In China And North America
Noveko International Inc., a company providing medical imaging systems, announced that its branch, S.A.S. E.C.M., has signed an exclusive distribution agreement for its Imagyne ultrasound scanner in China. S.A.S. E.C.M. has also signed several other contracts for marketing of its new Exago ultrasound scanner in Canada and the US.
Life Technologies Launches Applied Biosystems 3500 Dx Genetic Analyzers In Multiple Countries
Life Technologies Corporation (NASDAQ: LIFE) has announced the availability of its Applied Biosystems™
3500 Dx Series Genetic Analyzers, the first CE IVD-marked capillary electrophoresis system for nucleic acid analysis, in Australia, India, New Zealand, Singapore, and Taiwan.

Study Investigates The Credibility Of Radiologists As Paid Witnesses In Legal Cases
A study aims to investigate the credibility of testimony by radiologists who testify at a legal case was published in the August edition of the American Journal of Roentgenology (AJR). The study revealed that paid radiology expert witnesses testimonies do not match with the interpretations of radiologists blind to the court case. Semelka, Ryan, Yonkers, and Braga conducted this study, entitled “Objective Determination of Standard of Care: Use of Blind Readings by External Radiologists”, to determine whether the paid expert witness’ findings of a radiologist in one case commensurate with the findings of radiologists blinded to the clinical outcomes and litigation issues.
AHIMA Joins The European Federation For Medical Informatics
The American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) has joined the European Federation
for Medical Informatics (EFMI) as an institutional member. The AHIMA is a health information management professional association that is devoted to the effective management of health information. The EFMI, which has 31 member countries, is a non profit organization that aims to enhance international cooperation in medical informatics in Europe as well as establishing high standards of medical information.

NDSsi Releases Connector G2 Visualization And Informatics Platform For Integrating Surgical Imaging
NDS Surgical Imaging (NDSsi), a leading company for designing and manufacturing comprehensive medical imaging
and integration solutions, has released its pioneer surgical visualization and informatics platform, ConnectOR G2. Following the NDSsi's technology vision of Medical Visualization Informatics (MVI), ConnectOR G2 medical-grade products provide the unequalled capability to connect PACS imaging, surgical video and medical informatics.

Siemens and Royal Bolton Hospital announce contract for 15-year radiology partnership
Royal Bolton Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Siemens Healthcare have commenced a multi million, 15-year Managed Equipment Service (MES) agreement.This will
guarantee the latest medical equipment in the main radiology department, the ongoing maintenance of existing systems and user training for the lifetime of the contract. With modern and well maintained equipment in place, the services offered to the local community will remain at a high standard whatever the future changes in wider NHS policy or budgets.The stable investment plan at the centre of the MES agreement creates certainty for the Trust. An annual charge is payable to enable greater transparency and budget management, plus the contract ring fences investment for the future so that nothing is used beyond its recommended life and that a rolling equipment replacement programme is in place.

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