CuidadodeSalud.gov for Latin citizens.
Consistent with the mandate in the Affordable Care Act, CuidadodeSalud.gov is the partner site of HealthCare.gov, which was released in July 2010, and is the first website in Spanish to provide consumers with both public and private health information designed particularly to meet their needs in a single, easy-to-use tool. "CuidadoDeSalud.gov like HealthCare.gov is an unprecedented website which provides consumers with the power of information at their fingertips. Individuals, families, and small businesses will be able to easily compare both public and private health coverage options tailored specifically for their needs, said HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. "CuidadoDeSalud.gov will give Latinos across the nation better information about the choices they have, how much they cost, and what they can expect from their doctors specific to their life situation and local community."