Sunday, 19 December 2010

The Risk Of Thyroid Cancer Increased After Subjection Of Children To Radiation.

According to the University of Rochester Medical Center research, when children are subjected to head and neck radiation, whether as a result of multiple diagnostic CT scans or cancer treatment, it causes the increase of risk of thyroid cancer along the next fifty-eight years or more.

The study was published in the December 2010 edition of the journal, Radiation Research, it involved a group of children subjected to medical radiation and followed up for thyroid cancer incidence. The data obtained through the study might offer some information related to the rates of thyroid cancer, why the rates continue to increase as the general public through more used screening exams for instance computed tomography (CT) is increasingly subjected to higher doses of radiation.
In order to read the rest of the article please visit:
The Risk Of Thyroid Cancer Increased After Subjection Of Children To Radiation

Prostate Cancer With A Single Dose Radiation, Study.

Radiation oncologists at Beaumont Hospital in Michigan have conducted a study to evaluate a new treatment for men suffering from prostate cancer with a single dose of radiation to diminish the risk of it to a lower level.

The first single dose treatment in the world has been performed by Alvaro Martinez, M.D., FACR, professor and chair, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine, department of Radiation Oncology, Beaumont Hospitals.The study is based on 18 years of researches by Dr. Martinez and other Beaumont radiation oncologists aiming at destroying cancer cells with very short-term radiation treatment.
To read the rest of the article please visit:
Prostate Cancer With A Single Dose Radiation, Study.