Health Imaging Hub was initiated by radiologists, health imaging technologists, and internet media experts to promote Health Imaging and IT Globally with an emphasis of regional coverage.
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Toshiba Highlights Its AIDR CT Radiation Reduction Technology
CT has been one of the most important diagnostic imaging techniques, as it provides high-detailed images of internal organs of the body. However, CT scans are accompanied with
high doses of radiation delivered to patients during procedures. Therefore, Toshiba, one of the major companies providing medical imaging systems, has recently introduced its “Adaptive Iterative Dose Reduction (AIDR)” technology, which reduces radiation doses during CT scans by up to 75%. However, the quality of the produced images is not affected. The New ADIR technology is now available in several systems from Toshiba, such as Aquilion ONETM, AquilionTM Premium edition and all 64 detector row CT scanners. All these systems will be highlighted at the European Society of Cardiology Congress in Stockholm, Sweden this month. AIDR technology generates images with enhanced quality and with reduced noise levels when compared to the standard protocols for CT scans.

Private In-House Imaging Services Raise Concerns About Increased Costs
There has been a significant debate whether doctors should have in-house medical imaging systems in their private clinics or not. Recently, Dr. John Finkenberg, an orthopedic
surgeon in San Diego, and five of his colleagues installed an MRI system in their clinic instead of sending their patients to undergo diagnostic imaging procedures in other imaging centers. Dr. Finkenberg said that after the installation of the new MRI unit, the quality of the provided service has improved as technicians rapidly process images and provide patients with immediate results.

Ingenix Consulting Releases HIT Solution Practice
Eden Prairie, Minnesota.-based Ingenix Consulting, A healthcare information and research company, has released
a strategic technology solutions practice to help healthcare professionals invest effectively in the field of healthcare information technology (IT) and provide implementation techniques that enable their organizations to improve patient care, accomplish higher quality performance and prepare for radical changes that take place across the United States health system.

Bucyrus Community Hospital Earned Three-year Accreditation in Mammography
The American College of Radiology (ACR) has awarded a 3-year mammography accreditation to Bucyrus Community Hospital based on a recent survey on the achievement of high practice standards.
ACR is a national organization serving radiologists, radiation oncologists, and nuclear medicine and medical physicists with programs that focus on medical imaging and radiation oncology practice and comprehensive healthcare services delivery. Evaluations of practice are conducted by highly experienced board-certified physicians and medical physicists, who assess personnel qualifications and equipment adequacy, then report their findings to the ACR's Committee of Accreditation, which accordingly provides a comprehensive report on the practice.
ACR is a national organization serving radiologists, radiation oncologists, and nuclear medicine and medical physicists with programs that focus on medical imaging and radiation oncology practice and comprehensive healthcare services delivery. Evaluations of practice are conducted by highly experienced board-certified physicians and medical physicists, who assess personnel qualifications and equipment adequacy, then report their findings to the ACR's Committee of Accreditation, which accordingly provides a comprehensive report on the practice.
Kosair Children's Medical Center Uses the New Toshiba's 1,000th MR System
Toshiba America Medical Systems, Inc. has installed its 1,000th MR system worldwide. Kosair Children's Medical Center-Brownsboro, will be using the Toshiba Vantage Atlas® MR for general radiology imaging, for its pediatric population. Kosair Children's Medical Center-Brownsboro is the only pediatric outpatient facility of its type in Kentucky. It is the newest addition to Kosair Children's Hospital and the Norton Healthcare Network.
Electronic Medical Records System Saves Detroit Medical Center a Yearly $5M
Electronic Medical Records Systems (EMR) are continuing to create major improvements in care quality and cost savings for the second year in a row for Detroit Medical Center's eight hospitals. Executives of DMC have announced that due to the DMC's system-wide electronic medical system, they could achieve improved patient safety and have also saved $5 million. They said that the highly effective electronic monitoring of critical tasks such as pressure ulcers treatment and preventing medication errors has caused a windfall in savings that resulted in a healthy return on investment.
A New Gamma Knife Available In Hawaii
The Gamma Knife Center, located in Honolulu, Hawaii, announced that it has acquired a new Leksell Gamma Knife Perfexion machine. The new device will be used for treating
inoperable brain tumors using radiation, the new Leksell Gamma Knife costs $4.5 million. According to a Gamma Knife Center fact sheet, Gamma Knife delivers high doses of radiation in an accurate and precise way that minimizes the radiation effect on nearby healthy tissues. The procedure in which the Gamma knife is used is a non-invasive one that can be used alone or combined with surgery to treat certain lesions. During the treatment, radiation is delivered via a large sphere into a smaller helmet worn by the patient. The treatment procedure is carried out as an outpatient procedure.

ProVision And Cardinal Health Sign A Cooperation Agreement
ProVision Healthcare, Knoxville, has signed a cooperation agreement with Cardinal Health. The latter is going to manage the operations of ProVision’s cyclotron facility in
Knoxville. Cardinal Health will extend its production of molecular imaging biomarkers in the Southeastern region f the United States. The cyclotron facility in Knoxville represents a part of East Tennessee Healthcare Center (ETHC). Moreover, Cardinal Health is managing a pharmacy the offers nuclear medicine compounds in Knoxville.

Aloka Upgrades Its ProSound Ultrasound System For Better Detection Of Fetal Chromosome Abnormality
Aloka Holding Europe AG has made a new modification into its ProSound ultrasound systems by adding an
automated Nuchal Translucency (NT) thickness measurement and pre-calibrated settings. These newly added features could improve the accuracy of fetus imaging during the first trimester in order to detect chromosomal diseases by reducing both the human error and the subjectivity that can impair the reliability of these measures.

Monday, 30 August 2010
Agfa And TomTec To integrate Their IMPAX And Image-Arena
Agfa Healthcare, a major company providing medical imaging systems and healthcare IT solutions, announced that it has signed an agreement with TomTec, a provider of
echocardiography image analysis, reporting and data management. According to the new agreement, Agfa will integrate its IMPAX Cardiovascular Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) with TomTec’s Image-Arena solution. The solution provides several 2D, 3D, and 4D technologies for visualization, analysis, reporting and archiving of echocardiography imaging data.

Telemedicine Improves Healthcare Service in Tennessee
Telemedicine is one of the latest applications of Information Technology (IT) in healthcare section. For instance, a medical video network in Tennessee is going to be extended to
permit doctors providing healthcare to pregnant women to be able to consult other obstetrics specialists located in larger cities such as in Knoxville and Chattanooga. This telemedicine project is going to provide help to women in 11 remote areas, including Morristown, Newport, Sevierville, Winchester, Tullahoma, McMinnville, Athens, Cookeville, Livingston, Crossville, and Jellico. High speed internet connections, along with digital medical systems and special computer video equipment will be used to connect patients and specialists from Regional Obstetrical Consultants.

European PACS Market Expected To Double Within Six Years
The value of the European Picture Archiving and Communications System (PACS) market is expected to be elevated up to the double over the next six years, due to the increased demand for Radiology Information Systems (RIS). New analysis from Frost and Sullivan European RIS/PACS Market, finds that the market was valued at €535m ($679m) in 2009 and estimates this to reach €1065m ($1,353m) in 2016. Although the use of PACS in European hospitals is 80%, yet the RIS systems that drive PACS covers only about 41% of the hospitals. According to a new report by industry analysts Frost and Sullivan, legacy RIS modules dominate the market. The report clarified that many hospitals are not enthusiastic to implement a new RIS due to the problems associated with training a large group of staff as well as concerns over data transfer and security issues. However, with the third generation of PACS implementation which takes place now in many institutions, hospitals have recognized the importance of investing in a modern RIS.
University Of Texas Receives Web-Based EMR From GE
University of Texas at Austin will be given the latest platform from Barrington, Ill., GE Healthcare, to be used for
educational purposes, as announced by GE. The Health Information Technology Summer Certificate Program at the University has just graduated its first class, which included 54 students, at the end of July. These students used GE Centricity Advance software in the University’s recently established Health Information Technology Learning Laboratory in the Clinical Education Center University Medical Center Brackenridge.

Siemens Will Display Next-Generation Ultrasound At BMUS 2010
Siemens Healthcare will display its ultrasound range, including the Acuson S2000 2.0 and Acuson X300
Premium Edition at 2010 British Medical Ultrasound Society (BMUS) Annual Scientific Meeting and Exhibition which will be held in Brighton from 28-30 September.

Orion Health Releases The Latest Version Of Its Integration Engine, Rhapsody 4
New Zealand's Orion Health has announced the release of the latest version of its integration engine, Rhapsody 4.
Orion said that the idea of latest version of Rhapsody is to provide greater support for the latest industry trends, technologies and standards, including secure web services, already adopted by groups such as HL7 and Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise.

Orion said that the idea of latest version of Rhapsody is to provide greater support for the latest industry trends, technologies and standards, including secure web services, already adopted by groups such as HL7 and Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise.
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Radiotherapy Systems Vendors To Deploy Radiation Safeguards
A number of radiotherapy systems vendors announced that they are going to deploy safeguards into their systems to ensure further protection for patents against accidental
radiation over doses. Among the intended safeguards, quality assurance treatment plans, which must be approved by a doctor or medical physicist before being programmed on the radiotherapy machine or it will not work. Moreover, radiotherapy machines that use focused beam radiation will stop working unless important accessories to position a patient are adjusted in their place. Radiotherapy machines will also provide technicians with images for the proper position the patient should take to confirm that he receives the right amount of radiation. The safeguards will be deployed voluntary by radiotherapy systems vendors during the coming two years.

Sodium MRI images To Detect Osteoarthritis
According to a recent study, MRI can be used for diagnosing osteoarthritis when it is in its early stages. Researchers from New York University designed a creative method after
reviewing the pathogenesis of the disease. The method depends on checking the concentration of sodium ions in cartilage, and the study is highlighted in the Journal of Magnetic Resonance. It was found that the levels of sodium ions, widely distributed in the body, are indicating the location of glycosaminogycans (GAGs) in cartilaginous tissues. GAGs are compounds that are used for construction of cartilage in addition to several other procedures inside the body.

Highlands Medical Center Installs A New Aquilion 32 CT System
Highlands Medical Center announced that it has installed a new Aquilion 32 CT system from Toshiba. The new CT system will significantly improve medical imaging services
provided by the Center. Derrell Massey, Board chairman, Highlands Medical Center, said “The Jackson County Healthcare Authority Board of Directors approved a half-million dollar project last month to upgrade Highlands Imaging Center’s CT scanner. Highlands previously had a 16 slice CT scanner that was very advanced when it was purchased seven years ago.” CT scanners use X-ray beams and computer software solutions to generate multiple images of internal organs of the body.

MMP Provides Practice Management Services For Radiological Centers
Reno Radiological Associates has entered an agreement with MMP, Medical Management Professionals, to
manage its 63-year-old practice. MMP has a reputation of being professional in the business of radiology. MMP is a national firm that provides billing and practice management services to radiologists and imaging centers allover the country.

ONC Has Approved Maine's HIE Plan
Maine has received approval from the federal government for the full use of its grant of nearly $6.6 million to deploy and regulate health information technology allover the state, as Gov. John E. Baldacci announced. Maine is the sixth state to obtain the approval for its implementation plan by the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC), as officials noted. Currently, Maryland, New Mexico and Utah have had their plans approved. Shaun Alfreds, chief operating officer of HealthInfoNet, said "the state's designated health information exchange, the approximately $4.4 million in grants will serve to help deploy the exchange statewide and bring additional healthcare providers to connect to the exchange." There are currently six organizations connected to HealthInfoNet: Eastern Maine Health Systems in Brewer, Central Maine Healthcare in Lewiston, MaineGeneral Medical Centers, in Augusta and Waterville, Martin's Point Health Care in Portland and Bangor, Franklin Memorial Hospital in Farmington and MaineHealth, in Portland.
NovaRad Installs RIS And PACS In Manhattan's Park Avenue Radiologists
Manhattans Park Avenue Radiologists is the most recent imaging center to change its facility into state-of-the-art
digital center, allowing interpreting and referring physicians to have instant access to images. Currently, the center is performing and reading about 300 procedures each day. By using NovaRIS and NovaPACS systems from NovaRad, image access and referring physician appointment requests can be made by just a single click through the Center's secure physician site.

Viatronix Launches New Version Of V3D-Colon Software With The CAD Option
Viatronix Incorporated, a Stony Brook, New York, based company, has launched a new version of its V3D-Colon
software with the option to have the industry’s first FDA 510(k) approved colon CAD, VeraLook by iCAD. Zaffar Hayat, CEO & President of Viatronix Incorporated., said “We believe colon CAD when integrated with our latest V3D-Colon module provides the reading physician a distinct advantage along with an additional level of confidence,” he added “The seamless integration of third-party CAD products into our user friendly interface results in an uninterrupted workflow for the user.” The optional VeraLook Colon CAD version provides a list of CAD marks which are displayed in a numbered list along with bold colored markers on both 2D and 3D images while navigating through the Viatronix V3D-Colon interface. V3D-Colon with the CAD option has been launched outside the US since early 2009 and now with FDA approval colon CAD is available for sale in the United States.

Clinician iPhone Application Launched By PerfectServe
PerfectServe, based in Knoxville, Tenn., a physician-based, workflow-driven solution for clinical communications,
has released its new application, PerfectServe Clinician, an iPhone application that allows doctors to contact colleagues, change their call schedules and keep the privacy of the caller ID on patient calls.

Study Recommends Reduction In Dose For Breast PEM With Preservation Of Image Quality
In a new study presented at the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) 52nd Annual Meeting, researchers at the University of Washington reported that 18FDG dose for Positron Emission Mammography (PEM) could be reduced by as much as 70% without affecting image quality. PEM scanners are high-resolution breast PET systems that show the site as well as the metabolic phase of a lesion. The metabolic view enables doctors to take the optimal decision for patient care by providing an unequalled ability to discriminate between benign and malignant lesions, what is called "specificity".
GHX Nexus To Be Implemented In German Hospitals
GHX Nexus, a UK-developed content management system for hospital supplies organization Global Health Exchange, is going to be introduced in 70 P.E.G. Plus member hospitals in Germany. The system provides catalogue and price management in the healthcare industry. GHX Nexus enables all members of the supply chain to view changes to product, price and contract data at any time.
California Senate Recommends Cancer Screening For Women At Lower Age
California legislators are going to perform cancer screenings for low-income and uninsured women in their 40s according to a new bill, AB1640, which was approved by consensus from the state Senate.
Tom Tec introduces 4D MV-Assessment Software, the New 3D Solution for Mitral Valve Management
Tom Tec Imaging Systems GmbH, a leading provider of software solutions for medical imaging and information management, has announced the introduction of its new 4D MV-Assessment© 2.0 software. Tom Tec is known to be the leading innovator of cardiac imaging. The new software provides a new combination between the 2D echocardiography strength, and the 3D advantages, it also supports interdisciplinary communication between cardiac Surgeons and cardiologists. The 4D MV-Assessment software helps increasing diagnostic confidence, it is also considered as a communication tool for relating surgeons findings with no need to leave the room for interpretation.
CliniHub, Hand-Held Detector For Wide Range Of Diseases
Primary healthcare doctors are now able to recognize a wide range of diseases, from breast cancer to MRSA, using
an inexpensive hand-held device, CliniHub, developed by Cambridge Consultants, UK-based R&D company. The CliniHub, currently is being developed in partnership with XenBio Fluidics of San Diego, California, depends mainly on a cheap detector that senses a telltale fluorescent glow from a wide range of disease markers that the developers say will be the subject of patent applications.

Thursday, 26 August 2010
BSGI And PEM Have Higher Risks For Radiation-induced Cancer
According to a new study, nuclear-based breast imaging procedures, such as BSGI and PEM, are capable of elevating the risk of radiation-induced cancer. Yet, such risk is
very low when using mammography as the radiation dose in this procedure is small. The study is highlighted in October issue of Radiology. R. Edward Hendrick, clinical professor of radiology at the University of Colorado-Denver, School of Medicine in Aurora, Co., the lead author of the study, said "A single breast-specific gamma imaging (BSGI) or positron emission mammography (PEM) examination carries a lifetime risk of inducing fatal cancer greater than or comparable to a lifetime of annual screening mammography starting at age 40,"

New Mobile Mammography Unit In West Sacramento
Breast cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer between women. However, the disease has high care rate and overall all survival rate provided that the condition is detected early. Realizing this, West-St. Joseph's Medical Center and the Safeway Foundation have combined their efforts to offers women in West Sacramento and Rancho Cordova a new mobile mammography screening service, which will start next week.
TeraMedica Launches - Enterprise Data Migration Services (EDM), migrating DICOM and beyond
TeraMedica, a Milwaukee-based, medical informatics company, announced the launch of its new Enterprise Data Migration (EDM) Services offering as part of its commitment to solving the growing data migration and interoperability challenges across the enterprise according to CEO & President, Jim Prekop.
3D MRI Offers New Options In Pediatric Imaging At Stony Brook Medical Center
MRI has been one of the significantly important medical imaging techniques. The procedure offers highly-detailed images with high safety profile as it does not involve radiation
exposure. More advances and new applications for MRI are appearing every day. For instance, Jeffrey C. Hellinger, M.D., a pediatric imaging specialist at Stony Brook University Medical Center, mentioned that 3D MRI is a new medical imaging technique that can be used for visualizing fetal anatomy and detecting disorders in the womb in various clinical conditions. 3D MRI is highlighted in July-August issue of Applied Radiology.

Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Sectra Awarded A Contract For MicroDose Mammography System In Victoria
Sectra, a Swedish company providing medical imaging systems, announced that it was awarded a contract to provide four MicroDose Mammography units to be used in Victoria,
Australia. The MicroDose units are going to enhance the quality of the generated mammography images while reducing the delivered radiation doses. BreastScreen Victoria offers free mammography services for women aging between 50-69 years. The mammography screening service is conducted under the BreastScreen Australia program. The new MicroDose units will be used in Victoria to carry out the offered mammography screenings, the units are to be implemented by September 2010.

A Whitepaper discusses the role of Understanding of Hospital’s data in Effective Disaster Recovery
Ashtead, UK and Woburn, MA, USA – August 25, 2010 – BridgeHead Software today released a whitepaper on Healthcare Disaster Recovery that offers an integrated
strategy to address the uniquely complex data and storage management issues healthcare providers must consider as they develop hospital-wide backup and recovery policies. Available for download, the whitepaper details why disaster recovery (DR) is different in healthcare and, therefore, requires a different treatment when compared to disaster recovery in other industries.

Radiographers To Conduct The First National Strike In New Zealand Next September
Radiographers at district health boards throughout New Zealand are going to carry out a national strike, for the first time, on September the 7th. Deborah Powell, the national
secretary of the union of the radiographers, Apex, said that radiographers expressed their anger following the suspension of four of their colleges by Counties Manukau DHB.

Imagyne & Exago Ultrasound Systems To Be Distributed In China And North America
Noveko International Inc., a company providing medical imaging systems, announced that its branch, S.A.S. E.C.M., has signed an exclusive distribution agreement for its Imagyne ultrasound scanner in China. S.A.S. E.C.M. has also signed several other contracts for marketing of its new Exago ultrasound scanner in Canada and the US.
Life Technologies Launches Applied Biosystems 3500 Dx Genetic Analyzers In Multiple Countries
Life Technologies Corporation (NASDAQ: LIFE) has announced the availability of its Applied Biosystems™
3500 Dx Series Genetic Analyzers, the first CE IVD-marked capillary electrophoresis system for nucleic acid analysis, in Australia, India, New Zealand, Singapore, and Taiwan.

Study Investigates The Credibility Of Radiologists As Paid Witnesses In Legal Cases
A study aims to investigate the credibility of testimony by radiologists who testify at a legal case was published in the August edition of the American Journal of Roentgenology (AJR). The study revealed that paid radiology expert witnesses testimonies do not match with the interpretations of radiologists blind to the court case. Semelka, Ryan, Yonkers, and Braga conducted this study, entitled “Objective Determination of Standard of Care: Use of Blind Readings by External Radiologists”, to determine whether the paid expert witness’ findings of a radiologist in one case commensurate with the findings of radiologists blinded to the clinical outcomes and litigation issues.
AHIMA Joins The European Federation For Medical Informatics
The American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) has joined the European Federation
for Medical Informatics (EFMI) as an institutional member. The AHIMA is a health information management professional association that is devoted to the effective management of health information. The EFMI, which has 31 member countries, is a non profit organization that aims to enhance international cooperation in medical informatics in Europe as well as establishing high standards of medical information.

NDSsi Releases Connector G2 Visualization And Informatics Platform For Integrating Surgical Imaging
NDS Surgical Imaging (NDSsi), a leading company for designing and manufacturing comprehensive medical imaging
and integration solutions, has released its pioneer surgical visualization and informatics platform, ConnectOR G2. Following the NDSsi's technology vision of Medical Visualization Informatics (MVI), ConnectOR G2 medical-grade products provide the unequalled capability to connect PACS imaging, surgical video and medical informatics.

Siemens and Royal Bolton Hospital announce contract for 15-year radiology partnership
Royal Bolton Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Siemens Healthcare have commenced a multi million, 15-year Managed Equipment Service (MES) agreement.This will
guarantee the latest medical equipment in the main radiology department, the ongoing maintenance of existing systems and user training for the lifetime of the contract. With modern and well maintained equipment in place, the services offered to the local community will remain at a high standard whatever the future changes in wider NHS policy or budgets.The stable investment plan at the centre of the MES agreement creates certainty for the Trust. An annual charge is payable to enable greater transparency and budget management, plus the contract ring fences investment for the future so that nothing is used beyond its recommended life and that a rolling equipment replacement programme is in place.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010
New Mammography Study From U-Systems
Mammography has been one of the most significantly important medical imaging techniques. It has been used through years for detection of breast cancer, one of the
common forms of cancer, in women.

Hitachi And RSNA Grant Their Awards To Ultrasound Researchers
Hitachi Medical Systems, a major company providing medical imaging systems, and the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Research & Education (R & E) Foundation, have recently awarded their Hitachi Medical Systems/RSNA Research Seed Grant to a couple of researchers, Omolola Atalabi, M.B.B.S. and Sidhartha Tavri, M.B.B.S. Atalabi, a researcher at the University College Hospital, University of Ibadan, Nigeria was awarded $30,000 by Hitachi/RSNA to aid her in his researches for new medical and technical options while using ultrasound with children.
Canon Presents Its CXDI-70C Wireless Digital Radiography System
Canon U.S.A., Inc., a leading provider of digital imaging solutions, announced that it is going to present its CXDI-70C, the first wireless Digital Radiography (DR) system, at the
forthcoming 2010 American Healthcare Radiology Administrators (AHRA) Meeting and Exposition, which will take place later this month. Canon has recently received a 510(k) clearance from U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its CXDI-70C Wireless DR System.

Guide For Successful Electronic Health Records Implementation
A detailed guide to support healthcare CIOs in the implementation of electronic health records (EHR) has been
released by the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME), based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The aim of this guide is to meet the meaningful use requirements reported by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

Worldwide Shortage Of Radioactive Isotopes For Medical Scans
Scientists today announced that radioactive isotopes which are used for medical scans and treatments suffer from a global shortage. About Twenty million medical scans are done each year which necessitate radioactive isotopes, so lack of these vital life-saving materials represents a true hazard to patient care and may cause significant elevation of healthcare costs. This fact was revealed at a symposium at one of the opening sessions of the 240th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society.
Smartfreeze Unit For Remote Monitoring And Control Of Laboratory Fridges
Smartfreeze S.r.l, Italian company and part of Desmon Group, has developed an innovative system, Smartfreeze
Unit (SFU), for remote monitoring and control of laboratories refrigerators. If any problem encountered such as a critical alarm due to temperature drops, power cut-off, dirty condenser or relocation of a fridge, the authorized user will receive an SMS alert on his/her mobile phone and will be able to manage the problem remotely and quickly. It is also possible to view real-time information about each refrigerator through the Internet, store history data and even change working parameters remotely.

Monday, 23 August 2010
ASIR Significantly Reduces Radiation During Abdominal CT
According to a recent study, using a new low dose abdominal CT technique, called adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction (ASIR), can reduce radiation doses delivered during
abdominal CT scans by 23-66%. The study will be highlighted in the September issue of the American Journal of Roentgenology. Abdominal CT scans are used mainly for diagnosing the reason of pain in the abdomen or pelvis, in addition to detection of diseases in several abdominal organs such as bowel and colon. ASIR is a recently developed, low dose CT technique that permits radiologists to reduce noise in image while improving its quality, the technique also reduces the delivered radiation doses.

Frost & Sullivan Awards Siemens For CT Radiation Dose Reduction
Frost & Sullivan, a leading market research firm, has awarded Siemens Healthcare its 2010 North American Frost & Sullivan Award for Technology Leadership of the Year.
The firm chose Siemens for the award after studying CT market. The Frost & Sullivan analysts noted the recent trend in CT scanners industry, which is radiation dose reduction. However, Siemens was chosen to win the award for “its consistent contributions of dose reduction technologies for CT since the early 1990s.”

Pay-For-Performance Program Proved Effectiveness In Motivating Radiologists' Improvement
A radiologist pay-for-performance program (PFP) has a marked effect on expediting finalized radiologist report turnaround times (RTAT), this was a finding of a study published in the September issue of the American Journal of Roentgenology, by Giles W.L. Boland, M.D., and colleagues.
Whole Body MRI To Detect Child Abuse In Infants
According to a new study, whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used for detecting child abuse in infants. MRI is well-known for its accuracy and
high-detailed images. The study appears in the September issue of the American Journal of Roentgenology. Whole-body MRI features high safety profile as the technique does not involve using radiation to generate images; instead, it uses a magnetic field, radio frequency pulses, and a computer to produce its images of internal organs, bones and other musculoskeletal structures. Diagnosing abuse depends mainly on detecting skeletal injuries, along with using high-quality skeletal surveys to detect any high-specificity fractures that might be seen in cases of infant abuse. However, subcutaneous tissue and muscle injuries are not currently evaluated with imaging techniques in living children.

3D CT Technique To Enhance Cardiac Ablations
According to a recent study, a new 3D CT scanning technique can enhance the treatment of a dangerous and life threatening cardiac condition, ventricular tachycardia. The
study is published online in Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology, a journal of the American Heart Association. Currently, this condition is treated by ablation. Yet, this technique has a long term success rate ranging between 50-60% only. In their study, researchers from Baltimore’s University of Maryland School of Medicine have been testing software applications for two years to use with the new CT technique.

MidSouth eHealth Alliance Enters An Agreement With ICA For HIE Solution
The Memphis-based MidSouth eHealth Alliance (MSeHA) has entered an extended agreement with Nashville-based ICA to provide its commercial CareAlign solution for continued HIE capabilities, as announced by Informatics Corporation of America (ICA). In 2004, MSeHA was established as the result of grants from Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and the State of Tennessee to develop data sharing capability within the Memphis community, with the primary goal to participate in the management of the “safety net” population served by the 16 hospitals, their 14 emergency departments, and 16 primary care practices within the community.
Spartan Bioscience Launches The First Point-Of-Care DNA Testing System, Spartan RX
Spartan Bioscience Inc, a Canadian company, has launched its pioneer system, the Spartan RX, a complete
sample-to-result, point-of-care DNA testing system for personalized medicine. The system provides automated results in one hour and it is non-invasive and easy-to-use. The test is currently available for diagnostic use by doctors and scientists.

Partnership Between Siemens And ExitCare To Provide Patient Education Services To Health IT Clients
Siemens Healthcare has announced a new agreement with ExitCare, patient education content provider, to start
providing extensive patient education services to its huge base of healthcare information technology customers. This step follows Siemens' approach to empower healthcare givers with up to date, highly relevant, patient-centered educational programs in an easy-to-access format that adds to its current medical software technologies portfolio.

Sunday, 22 August 2010
A Study Reveals Increased Emergency Room Efficiency With Advanced Electronic Medical Records System
Hospitals with most advanced type of electronic medical records (EMR) can save up to 22.4 percent less time for patients in emergency room (ER) than other hospitals. This result was revealed in a recent study "Electronic Medical Records and the Efficiency of Hospital Emergency Departments” conducted by Assistant Professor Michael Furukawa and published by Medical Care Research and Review.
IBM And Beijing Goodwill Introduce WiFi-Enabled ECG Monitor In China
IBM and Beijing Goodwill Information and Technology introduced a pioneer all-in-one electronic cardiogram
management (ECM) system in China on August 17 to enable physicians to monitor patients' ECG (electrocardiography) data remotely using WiFi. Sue Green, IBM's manager for software systems solutions, highlighted that the partnership with Beijing Goodwill is an example of IBM's strategy to make technologies in medical facilities available on smart phones, tablet PCs and other wireless devices.

Breast MRI Might Replace Mammography In Screening For Breast Cancer
Mammography is the most commonly used screening test for early detection of breast cancer but recently there is a
new trend preferring the use of breast MRI for breast cancer screening specially for women at high risk for developing tumors.

Successful Compatibility Testing Between Symantec Health and Siemens PACS
Symantec , in collaboration with Siemens SYNGO Connectivity Competence Center (CCC), conducted connectivity tests between Symantec Health, a cloud-based medical image archiving solution, and several Siemens IT applications. The testing was successful, making Symantec to be the first DICOM archive -- a standard for handling, storing, printing and transmitting medical imaging information -- to complete validation testing with Siemens' new syngo.plaza agile PACS solution where 2D, 3D and 4D reading come together in one place.
A Smart Pill To Remind Patients Of Medication Doses Via Their Mobile Phones
A new innovative pill, the Raisin system, that can text the patients' mobile phones to remind them of their
medication doses is now under trial in the United Kingdom. The Raisin system, which was developed by California-based company, Proteus Biomedical, is made from digestible sensors that are activated by the stomach digestive juices. Once the pill is activated, the sensor sends a low-power digital signal to a patch on the patient's shoulder, which then decodes and records the information before sending it across a phone connection. The pill is going to be tested over 40 patients at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and The Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust. If proved to be effective, it will undergo a one year long trial.

TomTec Launches New Version Of Its 2D Cardiac Performance Analysis System
TomTec, the leading innovator for cardiac imaging, has released the latest version of its 2D Cardiac Performance
Analysis (2D CPA) package which is a part of its Image-Arena multimodality imaging solution. The new version enables a cardiologist to analyze the performance of the myocardial muscles more efficiently and rapidly due to its better diagnostic capabilities. Quantitative assessment of displacement, velocity, strain and strain rate according to the ASE 16 segments model is available.

Carestream Elevates Imaging Film Prices
Carestream Health, a major company providing medical imaging systems, announced that it is going to elevate its
prices for all imaging films and other related supplies, prices elevation is going to take place globally.

St. Luke’s Ranked Among The "Most Wired" Healthcare Organizations
St. Luke’s Health System has been ranked as one of the United State’s Most Wired according to results of the 2010
Most Wired Survey which was published in July issue of Hospitals & Health Networks magazine. St. Luke’s Health System has been included in the Hospitals & Health Networks list of the Most Wired nine times before. Debe Gash, spokesperson for St. Luke’s Health System, explained this expression: “Most Wired is a method to benchmark the organization with our peers and track progress to achieving meaningful adoption of healthcare information technology,” she added “The ongoing support of our board and hospital leadership has enabled the organization to continue leveraging information technology to improve the delivery of care to our patients, creating a positive work environment and improving the overall experience for our patients.”

A Campaign Against Medical Imaging Over-Usage
William R. Hendee, professor of radiology, radiation oncology, biophysics and bioethics at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, has recently called on radiologists across USA to mount a campaign against medical imaging over usage. Although Hendee acknowledges the benefits of imaging procedures in enhancing diagnostic accuracy, and guiding medical treatment, yet he objects on imaging procedures which are not justified in such a matter, and do not prove necessary for the patient.
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Singleton Hospital upgrades its imaging capabilities with Siemens' Artis Zee
Singleton Hospital in Swansea, part of the Abertwae Bro Morgannwg (ABM) University Health Board, has boosted its imaging facilities with the installation of an Artis zee™
Multipurpose interventional angiography system from Siemens Healthcare. Situated in the Radiology Department, the Artis zee is being used to support a wide range of imaging procedures and has the capability to support emergency angiographic studies, which may remove the need to transfer sick patients between sites for investigation. The system routinely provides imaging for barium examinations and gastro-intestinal interventional work such as Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatographies (ERCPs).

Free Mammography Screenings For Medicare Patients By January 2011
In January 2010, Medicare patients are going to have free mammography scans and colorectal cancer screenings, along with several other procedures, following the approval of
a new healthcare rule. According to several reports, the new rule will significantly increase the number of women desiring to undergo mammography scans. Medicare currently covers only 20% of the costs of preventive services such as breast cancer scans.

Southern Sudan Has Received A Portable Ultrasound System For Obstetric Use
The Martha Primary Healthcare Centre in southern Sudan has received a Siemens Acuson P10 handheld
portable ultrasound system provided by The Brickworks, a UK Winchester-based charity, to carry out obstetric scanning. The Martha Primary Healthcare Centre, located in the town of Yei in Southern Sudan, usually encounter about 900 antenatal patients every month. The ultrasound system was selected by representatives from The Brickworks who are currently having several strategic healthcare activities in the region.

European Union Invests €3.1m For Breast Cancer Diagnosis
In order to reach an accurate, reliable and rapid diagnosis of breast cancer, The European Union (EU) invests €3.1m to foster cancer diagnostic methods.
The EU will invest the money in the HAMAM (Highly Accurate Breast Cancer Diagnosis through Integration of Biological Knowledge, Novel Imaging Modalities, and Modelling) project which is designing a prototype workstation that integrates multi-modal images, such as mammography, magnetic resonance imaging, with patient information. The workstation will enable physicians to compare different diagnostic images side by side while reviewing patient medical history.
The EU will invest the money in the HAMAM (Highly Accurate Breast Cancer Diagnosis through Integration of Biological Knowledge, Novel Imaging Modalities, and Modelling) project which is designing a prototype workstation that integrates multi-modal images, such as mammography, magnetic resonance imaging, with patient information. The workstation will enable physicians to compare different diagnostic images side by side while reviewing patient medical history.
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
Philips To Use Epson Ink Jet Printers
A new partnership between Epson America and Royal Philips Electronics has been announced, according to it,
Epson ink jet printers will be paired with Philips ultrasound medical imaging systems allover the world, wherever Epson printers are present. The incomparable Epson ESC/P-R Print Class Driver allows users to print to a full line of Epson ink jet printers from a wide range of digital equipment including Philips ultrasound medical imaging.

City Hospital In Birmingham Upgrades Its MRI Systems With Siemens's MAGNETOM Avanto
City Hospital in Birmingham has extended its range of imaging services and now offers faster and more streamlined MRI examinations following the installation of a MAGNETOM® Avanto 1.5 Tesla system from Siemens Healthcare. The hospital, part of Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust, upgraded its previous Siemens system to provide a refreshed, state-of-the-art service.
Philips Participates In The Venture Capital Fund For Innovative Healthcare
Royal Philips Electronics has announced its participation in the new venture capital fund, Gilde Healthcare III, for
innovative early and growth stage healthcare technology companies in Europe and the United States. Philips declared that its investment in Gilde Healthcare III is to ensure innovation and creativity in districts of special importance to its future healthcare business plans.

BridgeHead Appoints A New EMEA Sales Operation Manager
Ashtead, UK – Tuesday August 17 2010 – BridgeHead Software, the company providing Healthcare Storage Virtualization (HSV) solutions, announced that it has appointed
Tony Tomkys to be the head of the company’s sales operation in EMEA. In his new position, Tomkys is targeting more increase in the UK customers of BridgeHead especially in the NHS and private healthcare sector.

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